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肖潇   研究员
职  务:
学  历: 理学博士
电  话: +86 871 65189508
传  真:
电子邮件: xiaoxiao2@mail.kiz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 云南省昆明市盘龙区茨坝街道龙欣路17号 中国科学院昆明动物研究所    650201
  简  历

肖潇,博士,研究员。2009年于武汉大学资源与环境科学学院获学士学位,2011年和2016年先后于美国约翰霍普金斯大学布隆伯格公共卫生学院(Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health)获硕士与博士学位,201610月起入职中国科学院昆明动物研究所,现任研究员。入选中国科学院青年创新促进会、中国科学院西部青年学者和云岭英才计划“云岭青年人才”,先后主持国家自然科学基金委青年项目、面上项目和“优秀青年”项目,及云南省基础研究计划“优秀青年”项目等。肖潇博士长期从事人类复杂精神疾病及相关性状的遗传学研究,过去几年来开展了一系列针对精神分裂症及情感障碍等疾病的遗传和分子机制的探索,以第一或通讯作者身份在Molecular PsychiatryBiological PsychiatrySchizophrenia BulletinNeuropsychopharmacologyTranslational Psychiatry等杂志发表SCI论文20余篇。


以精神分裂症、双相情感障碍和抑郁症为代表的常见重性精神疾病严重威胁人类健康,但目前对这些疾病的防控效果仍不理想。造成这一问题的关键原因之一,是这些疾病在临床症状上的显著交叉和高度复杂性、异质性。为寻找可指导疾病诊断及针对性治疗的标记,以期推动这些疾病的针对性临床分型和诊疗,开发新型防控策略,需利用临床样本开展系统的表型梳理,并利用基因组、转录组、表观组等多组学数据,结合相关神经生物学分析手段,以功能基因组学(Functional genomics)及表型组学(phenomics)思路对其发病机制开展研究。聚焦这一核心问题,本团队致力于从临床表型和多组学数据入手,结合实验生物学手段,探寻在精神疾病各类突出表型中发挥关键影响的风险突变和基因,解析它们参与疾病或有关表型的可能机制,力图为针对性干预诊疗提供潜在靶标,并为理解人类高级认知和行为表型的生物学机制提供线索。


1.  NSFC优秀青年项目,精神疾病跨诊断表型的遗传机理,2023-2025

2.  中国科学院西部青年学者项目,2022-2026

3.  NSFC面上项目,抑郁症风险基因PCDH9在发病过程中的生物学机制研究,2021-2024

4.  云南省科技厅基础研究专项优秀青年项目,基于多组学分析探索精神疾病的遗传基础与生物学机制,2021-2024


1.        Zhang CY, Cai X, Guo L, Wang L, Liu Z, Luo XJ, Li M, GeseDNA Research Team, Wang C, Li T, Xiao X. Genetic evidence for the "dopamine hypothesis of bipolar disorder". Molecular Psychiatry 2022. doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01808-z.

2.        Xiao X, Zhang CY, Zhang Z, Hu Z, Li M, Li T. Revisiting tandem repeats in psychiatric disorders from perspectives of genetics, physiology, and brain evolution. Molecular Psychiatry 2022;27:466-475.

3.        Chang H, Cai X, Li HJ, Liu WP, Zhao LJ, Zhang CY, Wang JY, Liu JW, Ma XL, Wang L, Yao YG, Luo XJ, Li M, Xiao X. Functional genomics identify a regulatory risk variation rs4420550 in the 16p11.2 schizophrenia-associated locus. Biological Psychiatry 2021;89:246-255. (Cover story)

4.        Zhang C, Xiao X, Li T, Li M. Translational genomics and beyond in bipolar disorder. Molecular Psychiatry 2021;26:186-202.

5.        Jun-Yang Wang, Xiao-Yan Li, Hui-Juan Li, Jie-Wei Liu, Yong-Gang Yao, Ming Li, Xiao Xiao, Xiong-Jian Luo. Integrative analyses followed by functional characterization reveal TMEM180 as a schizophrenia risk gene. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2021;47:1364-1374.

6.        Yang Z, Zhou D, Li H, Cai X, Liu W, Wang L, Chang H, Li M, Xiao X. The genome-wide risk alleles for psychiatric disorders at 3p21.1 show convergent effects on mRNA expression, cognitive function and mushroom dendritic spine. Molecular Psychiatry 2020;25:48-66.

7.        Li H, Zhang C, Cai X, Wang L, Luo F, Ma Y, Li M, Xiao X. Genome-wide association study of creativity reveals genetic overlap with psychiatric disorders, risk tolerance, and risky behaviors. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2020;46:1317-1326.

8.        Liu W, Li W, Cai X, Yang Z, Li H, Su X, Song M, Zhou DS, Li X, Zhang C, Shao M, Zhang L, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Zhao J, Chang H, Yao YG, Fang Y, Lv L, Li M, Xiao X. Identification of a functional human-unique 351-bp Alu insertion polymorphism associated with major depressive disorder in the 1p31.1 GWAS risk loci. Neuropsychopharmacology 2020;45:1196-1206.

9.        Li HJ, Su X, Zhang L, Zhang CY, Wang L, Li W, Yang Y, Lv L, Li M, Xiao X. Transcriptomic analyses of humans and mice provide insights into depression. Zoological Research 2020;41:632-643.

10.    Li H, Chang H, Song X, Liu W, Li L, Wang L, Yang Y, Zhang L, Li W, Zhang Y, Zhou DS, Li X, Zhang C, Fang Y, Sun Y, Dai JP, Luo XJ, Yao YG, Xiao X, Lv L, Li M. Integrative analyses of major histocompatibility complex loci in the genome-wide association studies of major depressive disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology 2019;44:1552-1561.

11.    Weipeng Liu, Hao Yan, Danyang Zhou, Xin Cai, Yuyanan Zhang, Shiyi Li, Huijuan Li, Shiwu Li, Dong-Sheng Zhou, Xingxing Li, Chen Zhang, Yan Sun, Jia-Pei Dai, Jingmei Zhong, Yong-Gang Yao, Xiong-Jian Luo, Yiru Fang, Dai Zhang, Yina Ma, Weihua Yue, Ming Li, Xiao Xiao. The depression GWAS risk allele predicts smaller cerebellar gray matter volume and reduced SIRT1 mRNA expression in Chinese population. Translational Psychiatry 2019; 9:333.

12.    Xiao X, Zhang C, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Wang L, Li L, Zhou D, Yuan T-F, Wang C, Chang H, Wu Y, Li Y, Wu D-D, Yao Y-G, Li M. The cAMP responsive element-binding (CREB)-1 gene increases risk of major psychiatric disorders. Molecular Psychiatry 2018;23:1957-1967.

13.    Xiao X, Zheng F, Chang H, Ma Y, Yao YG, Luo XJ, Li M. The gene encoding protocadherin 9 (PCDH9), a novel risk factor for major depressive disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology 2018;43:1128-1137.


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