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研究队伍 -- 进化与功能基因组研究组
  施鹏    研究员
职  务: 副所长
学  历: 博士
电  话: +86 871 65199318
传  真: +86 871 65199318
电子邮件: ship@mail.kiz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 云南省昆明市教场东路32号 中国科学院昆明动物研究所    650223
  简  历

施鹏 男,1973年出生,理学博士,研究员,现任中国科学院昆明动物研究所副所长,遗传资源与进化国家重点实验室主任,中国科学院昆明生物多样性大型仪器区域中心主任,进化与功能基因组学科组负责人。

1996年毕业于厦门大学生物系生化专业,获理学学士学位;2004年毕业于中国科学院昆明动物研究所,动物学与进化生物学专业,获理学博士学位;2004-2006年在美国密歇根大学生态与进化生物学系做博士后研究;2007-2008年在德国人类营养研究所分子遗传系任Research Scientist 2008年回国,2013年获国家杰出青年基金,同年动物适应性进化的分子机制获云南省自然科学奖一等奖(第二获奖人),2014年获科技部“中青年科技创新领军人才”,中科院“王宽诚西部学者突出贡献奖”,2016年入选第二批国家“万人计划”领军人才。2017年入选人社部“国家百千万人才”。

主要从事进化基因组学和功能基因组学研究,建立应用适应性进化的理论来解析动物复杂性状遗传基础新的研究范式。这一范式的建立不仅解决了长期以来悬而未决的进化可预测性难题,而且为遗传学表型与基因型的研究提供了一条崭新的思路。利用这个研究范式,解决了哺乳动物回声定位、高原适应等复杂性状,并为生物多样性资源挖掘和可持续利用提供了新的研究驱动力。现任中科院先导B类项目“动物复杂性状的进化解析与调控”共同首席科学家。迄今,在Nature GeneticsGenome Research, Cell Research, PNAS, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Current Biology等国际著名期刊发表SCI论文39篇,总影响因子350,其中以(共同)通讯作者发表IF9以上论文9篇,完成2部国际著作中的特邀章节,发表的文章多次被 Science NowCurrent BiologyFaculty of 1000 Biology等评注。论文共被引用2000余次,相关内容写入50多部国外著作。

现任中国遗传学会动物专业委员会委员,云南省遗传学会副理事长,《遗传》杂志编委会编委。曾应邀为Trends in Genetics, PNAS, Genome Research, PLoS Genetics, Molecular Biology and Evolution21 个国际和国内知名期刊审稿。


1. Molecular mechanism of adaptation to various environments in animals. We study the genotype-phenotype relationship at the genomic level under the guidance of natural selection theory ,  while combining multiple advanced techniques including NGS ,  bioinformatics and functional assays ,  etc.

2. Novel disease-related gene identification and the etiopathogenesis study. Through genomic analyses using non model organisms ,  we try to aid the comprehensive understanding of the etiopathogenesis in human longevity ,  cardiovascular diseases and tumors from a different angle.


Trends in Genetics , PNAS , Genome Research , PLoS Genetics , Molecular Biology and Evolution , Genome Biology and Evolution , PLoS One , Mammalian Genome , Journal of Molecular Evolution , Gene , Genome , Genetica , Acta Genetica Sinica , Hereditas(Beijing) , Zoological Research.


1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (30930015) to P. S. (2010.1-2013.12) 1.79 Million.

2. National Natural Science Foundation of China (31325013) to P. S. (2014.1-2017.12) 3.2 Million.

3. Key Research Programof the Chinese Academy of Sciences KJZD-EW-L07to P. S. (2013.1-2015.12) 3.5 Million.

4. Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB13000000)  to P. S. (2014.6-2019.5) 6.5 Million.



First author
  1. Shi ,  P# , Zhang ,  JZ*Comparative genomic analysis identifies an evolutionary shift of vomeronasal receptor gene repertoires in the vertebrate transition from water to land , Genome Research,  17(2) ,  pp 166-174 ,  2007/2 , (5-Year IF=13.795) , 2007.02.23
  2. Shi ,  P# , Bakewell ,  M # , Zhang ,  JZ*Did brain-specific genes evolve faster in humans than in chimpanzees? , Trends in Genetics , 22(11):608-13 , 2006/11 ,  (5-Year IF=10.401) , 2006.11.10
  3. Shi ,  P # , Yu ,  L , Fu ,  YX , Huang ,  JF , Zhang ,  KQ , Zhang ,  YP*Evolutionary implications of avian infectious Bronchitis Virus (AIBV) analysis , Cell Research ,  16(3) ,  pp 323-327 ,  2006/3 ,  (5-Year IF=14.331) , 2006.03.24
  4. Shi ,  P#  , Zhang ,  JZ *Contrasting modes of evolution between vertebrate sweet/umami receptor genes and bitter receptor genes , Molecular Biology and Evolution ,  23(2) ,  pp 292-300 ,  2006/2 ,  (5-Year IF=14.558) , 2006.02.23
  5. Yang ,  H# , Zhang ,  YP , Zhang ,  JZ ,  Shi P#Composition and evolution of the V2r vorneronasal receptor gene repertoire in mice and rats , Genomics , 86(3):306-15 , 2005/9 , (5-Year IF=3.246) , 2005.05.10
  6. Shi ,  P# , Bielawski ,  JP , Yang ,  H , Zhang ,  YP  ,  *Adaptive diversification of vomeronasal receptor 1 genes in rodents , Journal of Molecular Evolution , 60(5):566-76. , 2005/5 , (5-Year IF=1.875). , 2005.05.06
  7. Grus ,  WE# , Shi ,  P# , Zhang ,  YP , Zhang ,  JZ , Dramatic variation of the vomeronasal pheromone receptor gene repertoire among five orders of placental and marsupial mammals , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ,  (5-Year IF=10.414) , 2005.04.19
  8. Shi ,  P#  , Zhang ,  JZ , Yang ,  H , Zhang ,  YP * Adaptive diversification of bitter taste receptor genes in mammalian evolution , Molecular Biology and Evolution ,  20(5) ,  pp 805-814 ,  2003/5 ,  (5-Year IF=14.558)
  9. Shi ,  P#  , Lu ,  XM , Luo ,  HR , Xiang-Yu ,  JG , Zhang ,  YP*Melanocortin-1 receptor gene variants in four Chinese ethnic populations , Cell Research , 11(1) ,  pp 81-84 ,  2001/3 ,  (5-Year IF=14.331) , 2001.03.30
Corresponding author
  1. Tu Q, Hao J, Zhou X, Yan L, Dai H, Sun B, Yang D, An S, Lv L, Jiao B, Chen C, Lai R, Shi P*, Zhao X*, CDKN2B Deletion is Essential for Pancreatic Cancer Development Instead of Unmeaningful Co-deletion Due to Juxtaposition to CDKN2A,(2017), 1–11 Oncogene, (5-Year IF=7.272), 2017.9.11
  2. Li YY#  , Liu Z#*  , Qi FY , Zhou X , Shi P*Functional effects of a retained ancestral polymorphism in prestin , Molecular Biology and Evolution , 34(1):88-92 ,  2017/1 ,  (5-Year IF=14.558) , 2016.10.15
  3. Zhang ZG# , Xu DM#   , Wang L#  , Hao JJ , Wang JF , Zhou X , Wang WW , QiuQ , Huang XiD , Zhou JW , Long RJ * , Zhao FQ * ,  Shi P*Convergent Evolution of Rumen Microbiomes in High-Altitude Mammals , Current Biology ,  26(14):1873-9 , 2016/7 , (5-Year IF=9.704) , 2016.7.25
  4. Liu Z#  , Qi FY , Zhou X , Ren HQ ,  Shi P*Parallel Sites Implicate Functional Convergence of the Hearing Gene Prestin among Echolocating Mammals , Molecular Biology and Evolution , 31(9):2415-24 ,  2014/9 ,  (5-Year IF=14.558) , 2014 .9.01
  5. Zhang ZG# , Geng JW # , Tang XD , Fan H , Xu JC , Wen XJ , Ma ZS *Shi P* , Spatial heterogeneity and co-occurrence patterns of human mucosal-associated intestinal microbiota , The ISME Journal , 8(4):881-93 ,  2014/4 , (5-Year IF=10.728) , 2014.4.01
  6. Mu D #   , Yang H , Zhu JW , Liu FL , Tian RR , Zheng HY , Han JB ,  Shi P* , Zheng YT  , *Independent Birth of a Novel TRIMCyp in Tupaia belangeri with a Divergent Function from Its Paralog TRIM5 , Molecular Biology and Evolution ,  31(11):2985-97 , 2014/11 , (5-Year IF=14.558) , 2014.11.01
  7.  Liu Z#  , Wang W , Zhang TZ , Li GH , He K , Huang JF , Jiang XL , Murphy RW , Shi P *Repeated functional convergent effects of Na(V)1.7 on acid insensitivity in hibernating mammals , Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , (5-Year IF=5.417) 2014.2.7
  8.  Wu T # , Zhang ZG #  , Liu B , Hou DZ , Liang Y , Zhang J* ,  Shi P*Gut microbiota dysbiosis and bacterial community assembly associated withcholesterol gallstones in large-scale study , BMC Genomics , 2013/10 , 14:669 , (5-Year IF=4.284) , 2013.10.1
  9. Zhang ZG #* , Zhai HQ#  , Geng JW# *  , Yu R , Ren HQ , Fan H  ,   Shi P*Large scale survey of gut microbiota associated with MHE Via 16S rRNA-based pyrosequen , American Journal of Gastroenterology ,  108(10):1601-11 , 2013/10 , (5-Year IF=10.429) , 2013.10.30
  10. Gao TX  , Li N , Zhang YP , #Shi P*The complete mitochondrial genome of Japanese sandeel Ammodytes personatus (Perciformes ,  Ammodytidae): Rare structure in control region compared , Mitochondrial DNA , 24(4):320-2 , 2013/8 ,  (5-Year IF=3.672) , 2013.8.01
  11. Qiu , Q#   , Zhang , G#   , Ma , T#   , Qian , W#   , Wang , J#   , Ye , Z#   , (40-coauthor) , ShiP* , WangJ* , LiuJ*   ,  The yak genome and adaptation to life at high altitude , Nature Genetics ,  44(8) ,  pp946-949 ,  2012/7 ,  (5-Year IF=31.694) , 2012.07.27
  12. Liu ,  Z#  , Li ,  G , Huang ,  J , Murphy ,  RW ,  Shi P*Hearing Aid for Vertebrates via Multiple Episodic Adaptive Events on Prestin Genes , Molecular Biology and Evolution ,  29(9) ,  pp2187-2197 ,  2012/9 ,  (5-Year IF=14.558) , 2012.09.28
  13. Liu ,  Z#  , Li ,  S#   , Wang ,  W , Xu ,  D , Murphy ,  RW ,  Shi P*ParallelEvolution of KCNQ4 in Echolocating Bats , PLoS One ,  6(10) ,  p e26618 ,  2011/10(5-Year IF=3.394). , 2011.10.07
  14. Zhang ,  ZG#  , Ye ,  ZQ , Yu ,  L ,  Shi P* Phylogenomic reconstruction of lactic acid bacteria: an update , BMC Evolutionary Biology ,  11(1) ,  p1 ,  2011/1 , (5-Year IF=3.628) , 2011.01.01
  15. Yang ,  H # ,  Shi P*Molecular and evolutionary analyses of formyl peptide receptors suggest the absence of VNO-specific FPRs in primates , Journal of Genetics and Genomics 37(12) pp 771-778 ,  2010/12 , (5-Year IF=3.236) , 2010.12.24
  16. Wang ,  GD#  , Zhu ,  ZH , Zhang ,  YP ,  Shi P*More Functional V1R Genes Occur in Nest-Living and Nocturnal Terricolous Mammals , Genome Biology and Evolution ,  Vol 2 ,  pp 277-283 ,  2010 ,  (5-Year IF=4.008) , 2010.07.12
  17. Li ,  J#  , Yang ,  H , Li ,  JR , Li ,  HP , Ning ,  T , Pan ,  XR , Shi P * , Zhang ,  YP , Artificial selection of the melanocortin receptor 1 gene in Chinese domestic pigs during domestication , Heredity ,  105(3):274-81 , 2010/9 ,  (5-Year IF=3.953) , 2010.02.24
  18. Shen YY#  ,  Sun YB , Zhang YP*  ,  Shi P *Relaxation of selective constraints on avian mitochondrial DNA following the degeneration of flight ability , Genome Research ,  19(10) ,  pp 1760-1765 ,  2009/10 ,  (5-Year IF=13.795) ,  , 2009.10.15
  19. Wang ,  GD#  , Zhu , ZH ,  Zhang ,  YP ,  ShiP* Comparative genomic analysisreveals more functional nasal chemoreceptors in nocturnal mammals than in diurnal mammals , Chinese Science Bulletin ,  55(34) ,  pp 3901-3910 ,  2010 ,  (5-YearIF=1.738) , 2010.12.29
  20. 祁飞燕 # , 施鹏*脊椎动物附肢发育及进化机制的研究进展,科学通报2016.11.20 , (32):3413~3420
  21. 施鹏*  , 胡玲玲#Smallest bitter taste receptor (T2Rs) gene repertoire in carnivores , Zoological Research , 2013.4.10
  22. 施鹏*  , 胡玲玲#Latest advances on the studies of function and evolution of bitter taste receptor gene (T2R) family., Chinese Science Bulletin 2010, 54(17):2472-2482
  1. Lang F, Li X, Zheng W, Li Z, Lu D, Chen G, Gong D, Yang L, Fu J, Shi P, Zhou J*, CTCF prevents genomic instability by promoting homologous recombination-directed DNA double-strand break repair, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (5-Year IF=10.414), DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1704076114, 2017.9.25
  2. Li Y# , Liu Z #  , Zhang JZ*,  Shi P  The hearing gene Prestin unites echolocating bats and whales , Current Biology , 20(2):R55-6, 2010/1(5-Year IF=9.704) , 2010.01.26
  3. Smadja ,  C* ,  Butlin ,  RK , Robertson ,  HM  , # Shi ,  PLarge Gene Family Expansions and Adaptive Evolution for Odorant and Gustatory Receptors in the Pea Aphid ,  Acyrthosiphon pisum , Molecular Biology and Evolution ,  26(9) ,  pp 2073-2086 ,  2009/9 ,  (5-Year IF=14.558) , 2009.09.18
  4. Grus ,  WE* , Zhang ,  JZ  , #Shi ,  P Largest vertebrate vomeronasal type 1 receptor gene repertoire in the semiaquatic platypus , Molecular Biology and Evolution ,  24(10) ,  pp 2153-2157 ,  2007/10 ,  (5-Year IF=14.558) , 2007.10.26
  5. Bakewell ,  M# , Zhang JZ* ,  Shi ,  P More genes underwent positive selection in chimpanzee evolution than in human evolution , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ,  (5-Year IF=10.414) , 2007.05.01
  6. Li ,  G* , Wang ,  YQ  , #Shi ,  P Evolutionary dynamics of the ABCA chromosome 17q24 cluster genes in vertebrates , Genomics , 89(3):385-91 , 2007/3 (5-Year IF=3.246) , 2007.03.22
  7. Li ,  Y#  , Ye ,  C ,  Zou ,  XJ , Xiao ,  R , Gong ,  YY , Zhang ,  YP * ,  Shi ,  P Independent origin of the growth hormone gene family in New World monkeys and Old World monkeys/hominoids , Journal of Molecular Endocrinology , 35(2):399-409 , 2005/10 ,  (5-Year IF=3.609) , 2005.11.08
  8. Ye ,  C#  , Li ,  Y ,   , Zhang ,  YP*   ,  Shi ,  P Molecular evolution of growth hormone gene family in old world monkeys and hominoids , Gene ,  350(2) , pp183-192 , 2005/5 , (5-Year IF=2.266). , 2005.05.30
  9.  Gu ,  Z# , Zhang ,  Y , Shi ,  P , Zhang ,  YP* , Zhu ,  D , Li ,  H , Comparison of avian myostatin genes , Animal Genetics ,  35(6):470-2.2014/12 , (5-Year IF=1.973) , 2004.12.17
  10. Chen ,  DY#  , Wen ,  DC , Zhang ,  YP*  , Sun ,  QY , Han ,  ZM , Liu ,  ZH ,   , L Shi ,  P ,  JS , Xiangyu ,  JG , Lian ,  L , Kou ,  ZH , Wu ,  YQ , Chen ,  YC , Wang ,  PY , Zhang ,  HM , In terspecies implantation and mitochondria fate of panda-rabbit cloned embryos , Biology of Reproduction ,  67(2) , pp637-642 , 2002 (5-Year IF=3.714). , 2002.08.29
  11. Ding ,  B# , Xiangyu ,  JG , Zhang ,  YP  , Chen ,  DY , Sun ,  QY , Li ,  Shi ,  P*GP , Wang ,  MK , Liu ,  YL , Kang ,  L , Han ,  ZM , Song ,  XF , Li ,  JS , Chen ,  YC , Microsatel lite DNA analysis proves nucleus of interspecies reconstructed blastocyst coming from that of donor giant panda , Chinese Science Bulletin ,  45(20) ,  pp 1883-1885 ,  2000/10 ,  (5-Year IF=1.738) , 2000.10.27
Invited book chapter:
  1. Behrens M ,  St?hler F ,  Shi P ,  Bufe B ,  and Meyerhof W. 2009. Taste: Topics in Chemical Biology. In: the Wiley Encyclopedia of Chemical Biology.
  2. Shi P#. and Zhang J Extraordinary diversity of chemosensory receptor gene repertoires among vertebrates. 2009. Chemosensory Systems in Mammals ,  Fishes ,  and Insects. W. Meyerhof & S. Korsching ,  eds. ,  Springer

Research Assistants:

Dr. Hui Yang (from Emory University , USA)

Dr. Zhi-gang Zhang (from Yunnan University , China)

Dr. Junjun Hao (from Shanghai University , China)

Dr. Dongming Xu(from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Rui Yu

Xin Zhou

Xingtong Li

Yangan Huang

Finance Assistant:

Yang Zhang

PhD students:

Jie Luo ,  Zhizhong Zheng ,  Tao Zhang ,  Yuanyuan Li ,  Lei Zhu ,  Qi Liu

Master students:

Yuanting Guo ,  Jie Chen ,  Qunfu Wu ,  Lili Yang ,  Menglong Lei ,  Wanzhi CaiJing Bai