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The Genetic Echo of the Tarim mummies in Modern Central Asians
论文题目: The Genetic Echo of the Tarim mummies in Modern Central Asians
作者: Shan Shan Dai, Xierzhatijiang Sulaiman, Jainagul Isakova, Wei Fang Xu, Najmudinov Tojiddin Abdulloevich, Manilova Elena Afanasevna, Khudoidodov Behruz Ibrohimovich, Xi Chen, Wei Kang Yang, Ming Shan Wang, Quan Kuan Shen, Xing Yan Yang, Yong Gang Yao, Almaz A Aldashev, Abdusattor Saidov, Wei Chen, Lu Feng Cheng, Min Sheng Peng, Ya Ping Zhang
联系作者: zhangyp@mail.kiz.ac.cn
发表年度: 2022
DOI: doi: 10.1093/molbev/msac179
摘要: The diversity of Central Asians has been shaped by multiple migrations and cultural diffusion. Although ancient DNA studies have revealed the demographic changes of the Central Asian since the Bronze Age, the contribution of the ancient populations to the modern Central Asian remains opaque. Herein, we performed high-coverage sequencing of 131 whole genomes of Indo-European-speaking Tajik and Turkic-speaking Kyrgyz populations to explore their genomic diversity and admixture history. By integrating the ancient DNA data, we revealed more details of the origins and admixture history of Central Asians. We found that the major ancestry of present-day Tajik populations can be traced back to the admixture of the Bronze Age Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex and Andronovo related populations. Highland Tajik populations further received additional gene flow from the Tarim mummies, an isolated ancient North Eurasian related population. The West Eurasian ancestry of Kyrgyz is mainly derived from Historical Era populations in Xinjiang of China. Furthermore, the recent admixture signals detected in both Tajik and Kyrgyz are ascribed to the expansions of Eastern Steppe nomadic pastoralists during the Historical Era
刊物名称: Molecular Biology and Evolution
论文出处: https://academic.oup.com/mbe/advance-article/doi/10.1093/molbev/msac179/6675590?login=true
影响因子: 8.800(2021IF)
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