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Combining Viscosity-Restricted Intramolecular Motion and Mitochondrial Targeting Leads to Selective Tumor Visualization
论文题目: Combining Viscosity-Restricted Intramolecular Motion and Mitochondrial Targeting Leads to Selective Tumor Visualization
作者: Yu L, Zhang JF, Li M, Jiang D, Zhou Y, Verwilst P, Kim JS
联系作者: peter.verwilst@kuleuven.be
发表年度: 2020
DOI: DOI: 10.1039/d0cc02943b
摘要: We report a novel fluorescent molecular conjugate, V-M1, enabling an accurate visualization of tumor tissues. The emission wavelength of V-M1 exceeds 650 nm, which is well within the near-infrared therapeutic window. Tumor accumulation of this cationic dye allows the visualization of cancerous cells as a function of mitochondrial viscosity
刊物名称: Chemical Communications
论文出处: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/CC/D0CC02943B#!divAbstract
影响因子: 6.164(2018年)
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