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论文题目: Biotic Interchange between the Indian Subcontinent and Mainland Asia through Time
作者: Klaus S, Morley RJ, Plath M, Zhang YP, Li JT
联系作者: klaus@cib.ac.cn; lijt@cib.ac.cn
发表年度: 2016

  Biotic interchange after the connection of previously independently evolving floras and faunas is thought to be one of the key factors that shaped global biodiversity as we see it today. However, it was not known how biotic interchange develops over longer time periods of several million years following the secondary contact of different biotas. Here we present a novel method to investigate the temporal dynamics of biotic interchange based on a phylogeographical meta-analysis by calculating the maximal number of observed dispersal events per million years given the temporal uncertainty of the underlying time-calibrated phylogenies. Weshow that biotic influx from mainland Asia onto the Indian subcontinent after Eocene continental collision was not a uniform process, but was subject to periods of acceleration, stagnancy and decrease. We discuss potential palaeoenvironmental causes for this fluctuation.

刊物名称: Nature Communications
论文出处: http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms12132
影响因子: 11.329 (2015年)