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论文题目: The complete mitochondrial genome of the fulvous parrotbill Paradoxornis fulvifrons (Passeriformes: Muscicapidae)
作者: Longying Wen*; Xiaojun Yang; Jinhua Liao; Yiqiang Fu; Bo Dai
联系作者: lywen02@126.com
发表年度: 2015
摘要: The complete mitochondrial genome of the fulvous parrotbill (Paradoxornis fulvifrons) has been determined from Illumina sequencing data. The circular genome is 17 059 bp long, comprising 37 genes (13 protein-coding genes/PCGs, 22 tRNA genes and two rRNA genes) and a putative control region. Except for COX1 with GTG as its start codon, all PCGs are initiated with the ATR (ATA/ATG) codons. One PCG (COX1) is terminated with AGG, three PCGs (COX3, ND2 and ND4) with the incomplete stop codon T--/TA-, while all the others with TAA. The 22 tRNAs range in size from 64 bp (tRNA-Ser) to 75 bp (tRNA-Leu). The two rRNAs are 982 bp (12S rRNA) and 1600 bp (16S rRNA) long, respectively. The putative control region is located between tRNA-Thr and tRNA-Pro genes with a length of 1235 bp. The base composition is biased (29.06% A, 31.10% C, 14.97% G and 24.87% T) with an overall A + T content of 53.93% ("light strand"). Phylogenetic analysis indicated that P. fulvifrons is closely related to the congeneric vinous-throated parrotbill (P. webbianus).
刊物名称: Mitochondrial DNA
影响因子: 1.209 (2014)